Campers will be able to worship God in such a powerful way while they are at camp. Our worship team has purposefully put together specific songs for each age group. Campers are encouraged to use this time to experience the Lord in a personal way and grow closer to Him.
Campers will attend chapel sessions twice a day. They will hear from our hand-selected speakers and learn truths about God that they can take home and continue to develop their relationship with Jesus.
cabin devos
After chapel, the campers will go back to their cabin and unpack what the speaker spoke about. This gives the campers the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have about what they just heard.
quiet time
Campers will start their day off by reading their Bible and learning more about who God is. Each camper will receive a quiet time plan so that they can continue to learn about God throughout the rest of the year. If they read through the quiet time plan for the entire year, they will have read through all of the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. They will also be memorizing scripture while they are at camp. The memory verses are listed in the quiet time plan as well!
one-on-one conversations
Each counselor will try to connect with their campers individually at least one time throughout the week. This is a time where the campers can ask the counselors anything that is on their mind and a time where they can share what they have been learning while they have been at camp. One-on-one conversations are always done in open and public places like the coffee shop, Trading Post or the swings of fire.