Dress appropriately for church. Nice jeans, khakis, or dresses are acceptable.
All SALT campers must leave their personal vehicles parked and unused during the entire three-week session. SALT campers may go off camp with staff but either a SALT counselor or director must be the one driving. If they are unable to drive and you need to leave camp for some reason, then you may leave camp with a second year staff member IF your SALT counselors know you are going and have granted you that permission.
We strongly encourage all campers to load money on their store card via credit card prior to arrival. We recommend campers do not bring cash to camp as it is easy to misplace. All unused funds will be electronically refunded at the end of their SALT session.
This year, we will be having activities and trips planned for SALT on the weekends! Also, meals will be provided. You don't need to worry about bringing money for meals or transportation. However, we do recommend bringing money for outside spending or snacks.
We provide washers and dryers at no cost to you. However, we do not provide laundry detergent or dryer sheets. Feel free to bring your own, as you will have time to use the washers and dryers on the weekends.
contacting home/phone usage
When you arrive, you will be asked to turn your phone into the office during the week (just like our summer staff is required to do). You will receive it back and may use it over the weekends, but during the week you will not be able to contact home via cell phone. If your family or friends would like to send you mail, they can send letters or packages to the following address. Please be sure to have them include the following information:
Your Name
Week of camp
1242 Old Blue Creek Road,
Cleveland, GA, 30528
emergency contact
If your family ever has an emergency, they may call our office at 706-865-0853. We are open from 8 am - 5 pm on normal business days. If it is after hours, they can reach us via our emergency contact number: 706-865-0853x122.
Your parent/guardian must complete a medical form and submit it online before you arrive at camp. They may do this for you by logging into our website under “parent portal,” clicking on your name, then clicking on the medical form tab under your name. More specific medical information can be found on our health & safety page.