Bullying prevention
Bullying is a very serious issue for kids today, which is why we want to create a safe an inviting place for all campers that attend Woodlands Camp. Any type of bullying is unacceptable. We have trained every member of our staff to be aware of any signs of bullying and what to do if campers are being bullied. We take every incident very seriously.
Bullying can be prevented with close monitoring from counselors and other summer staffers. Campers are with their cabin the majority of the day. During three hours in the afternoon, campers may choose how they would like to spend their free time. For this reason, we lock all cabin doors during free time so that no campers can be in a room with a closed door to help prevent bullying. We do leave the main hallway doors unlocked so the campers can have access to the water fountains.
During the week, the counselors check in on each camper with a one-on-one conversation in a public place. This gives the camper the opportunity to let their counselor know if they are being bullied or if they have witnessed someone being bullied. Campers are encouraged to tell their counselor if they see any bullying or inappropriate behavior.
Love. Honor. Serve.
Woodlands’ purpose is to operate our camp programs in a manner that will provide an unforgettable experience to all our campers. To fulfill that purpose, Woodlands has adopted a code of conduct that requires campers to behave in a way that promotes our core values: love, honor, and serve. This Code of Conduct is effective during any Woodlands program.
Our Code of Conduct is taken from Romans 12:10-11, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.”
When necessary, Woodlands full-time and summer staff will provide correction for any behavior that falls into one or more categories:
If a camper(s) fail to uphold Woodlands Code of Conduct by committing one or more of the 3 D’s, our staff will be intentional to guide them back to love, honor, and serve. The following disciplinary actions may be imposed for any violation of this Code of Conduct:
Verbal warning from the counselor and/or support staff
A conversation with the head counselor and counselor
Loss of privileges
Temporary removal from activities
Notification of parents
Removal from camp for the remainder of the program