Health Form

While campers are not required to have a physician’s exam or health screening to attend camp, ALL campers are required to have a health form filled out and signed by their parent/guardian PRIOR to arriving for their week at camp. The Health Form can be found on your camp account dashboard. While the health form may take a few minutes to fill out and sign, it is vital for the camp medical staff to have available in case of emergency. One of the camp nurses will call the camper’s emergency contact listed on their health form in case of emergency, significant injury, or illness.

Roommate Requests

  • Log in to your “Parent Portal”

  • Select “Roommate Request” and “Edit”

  • Enter the camper’s name and parent’s email address to send the request

  • If another camper requests your camper as a roommate, you will receive an email with the request code that can be entered in the Parent Portal

  • All requests must be accepted within two weeks from the opening day of the campers’ week of camp.

  • Campers can have a maximum of six people within their roommate chain.

Roommate Policies

  • Roommate chains cannot exceed a chain of six campers.

  • If you have a chain larger than six:

    • Coordinate as parents to break up campers into a smaller group of three or four.

    • Once your chains are solidified, email our admin team at and request your two roommate chains share a bathroom.

    • That will ensure your group can remain close in proximity.

  • Roommate chains must be requested and accepted through CircuiTree two weeks prior to the opening day of the campers’ week of camp.

    • If roommate requests are made within 2 weeks of camp starting, we cannot guarantee they will be honored as housing assignments are very involved and difficult to manipulate once completed.

  • Lastly, keep in mind that if a camper cancels their week of camp, any roommate chain they are part of will then be lost. So, be sure to keep in contact with the parents in your roommate chain in case a camper is unable to make it and you need to adjust your requests.

Adding Spending Money

During the week, campers can purchase items at the gift shop, coffee shop, ice cream shop, and snack shop using their store card.

To add funds to your camper’s store card:

  • Select “store card” and “Edit”

  • Enter the amount you wish to load and select your payment method

  • Any unused funds will be electronically refunded after your campers week of camp

  • If you wish to donate the remaining balance, select “Donate Remaining Store Credit”

  • On average, campers spend $50 - $75 during a week of camp